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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Newspaper and Ray Toolbear Leaving Party

Hey Guyz! Here are a few cool stuff from the latest Penguin Times! First Off, we have:


There are gonna be Penguin Games on Club Penguin! Most probably associated with sports!

This event begins on AUGUST 22nd


Apparently, Rory the Construction Worker has lost some important plans of some sort. We have to help him find the missing papers! For that, Club Penguin has set up a Scavenger Hunt! Its gonna be great! All updates will be available tomorrow!

Scavenger Hunt takes place tomorrow. ( 8-8-2008 )

Guess what? The battle of the Teams resumes!


Yep thats right! The battle of the Blue Team and the Red Team resumes tomorrow in the Stage! Be sure to check at the stage TOMORROW.


make avatar

If You Can't See The Party Info it Is:

Server: Fjord
Room: Beach
Date: Friday, August 8, 2008
Time: 9:30 am CPTZ

In addition the first person to send Ray Toolbear a Card gets a rare penguin. Its 759 days old.


Moogasa said...

Sounds like fun in a bun! lol! I hope I can make it to Ray's partay tomarrow!!!!

Super Secret Shady Spy Ninja,

lol said...

Hey mega!

I really like the song "his Hamburger"
or whatever.
it's really cute!!
Can you please add my website to your blog roll?

hasta la vista,
Orange Land